True peace, Warless world
SEYBO Peace Gallery

日本を代表する近代彫刻家が、作品に込めた「真の平和 -true peace-」 への思いを受け継ぎ、
「戦争なき世界 -warless world-」となるよう祈りを込めて
Seibo Kitamura (1884-1987), one of Japan’s leading modern sculptors, infused his creations with a profound commitment to peace. The sculptor, who created "Peace Praying Statue", celebrated the 140th anniversary of his birth in 2024. This website continues to share information about Kitamura’s life and works, carrying forward his deep desire for "True peace." In the spirit of his message, we also hold a heartfelt wish for a "Warless world."
『北村西望の生涯と作品 since1884』
聞き手&撮影&編集:福田 孝

Seibo Kitamura
1884(明治17)年 12月16日 長崎県南高来郡南有馬村(現 南島原市南有馬町)に生れる
1907(明治40)年 京都市立美術工芸学校彫刻科卒業、東京美術学校(現 東京藝術大学)入学
1912(明治45)年 東京美術学校彫刻科を首席で卒業
1915(大正 4)年 第9回文展に「怒禱」を出品、2等賞首席(最高賞)受賞
1916(大正 5)年 第10回文展に「晩鐘」を出品、特選首席を受賞
1921(大正10)年 東京美術学校教授に任命される
1938(昭和13)年 《板垣退助翁像》完成、国会議事堂内に設置
1945(昭和20)年 埼玉県秩父郡矢那瀬へ疎開、旧作の補修中「石膏直付け」の新技法を考案
1953(昭和28)年 井の頭自然文化園内にアトリエ建設、《平和祈念像》制作開始
1955(昭和30)年 《平和祈念像》完成、8月8日長崎市平和公園で除幕式
1958(昭和33)年 文化勲章を授与される
1962(昭和37)年 東京都武蔵野市名誉市民となる
1972(昭和47)年 長崎県島原城址に西望記念館が完成、島原市名誉市民となる
1976(昭和51)年 皇居新宮殿に《天馬》を献納
1979(昭和54)年 南有馬町名誉町民となる、西望公園・記念館が完成
1980(昭和55)年 東京都名誉都民、長崎県名誉県民となる
1981(昭和56)年 東京都北区名誉区民となる
1987(昭和62)年 3月4日、満102歳で逝去
1884 December 16th Born in Minami-Arima Village, Minami-Takaki District, Nagasaki
Prefecture (currently Minami-Arima Town, Minamishimabara City)
1907 Graduated from Kyoto Municipal School of Arts and Crafts, Sculpture Department
1912 Graduated from the Tokyo School of Fine Arts (now Tokyo University of the Arts)
with honors in the sculpture department
1915 Submitted “Anger Prayer” to the 9th Bunten Exhibition and won the second prize
(highest award)
1916 Submitted “Evening Bell” to the 10th Bunten Exhibition and won the top prize
1921 Appointed professor at Tokyo School of Fine Arts
1925 Member of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts
1945 He evacuated to Yanase, Chichibu-gun, Saitama Prefecture, and while concentrating
on repairing old works, he invented a new technique of "direct plaster application"
1953 Built an atelier in the Inokashira Park Zoo and began work on the "Peace Praying Statue"
1955 "Peace Praying Statue" was completed and unveiled at Nagasaki Peace Park on August 8,
the prototype and all works were donated to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
1958 Awarded the Order of Culture
1962 Honorary citizen of Musashino City, Tokyo
1972 The Seibo Memorial Hall was completed at the site of Shimabara Castle in
Nagasaki Prefecture, honorary citizen of Shimabara City
1979 Honorary citizen of Minami-Arima Town, Seibo Park and Memorial Hall are completed
1980 Honorary citizen of Tokyo and Nagasaki Prefecture
1981 Honorary resident of Kita Ward, Tokyo
1987 Passed away on March 4th at the age of 102

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